Sea Legends(Морские легенды) - Ingame

I play a bit of Sea Legends in Russian. I sail around and try to take over a few fleets, though I get stabbed repeatedly with swords. You’re Captain Richard Grey, sailing for the English in the Carribean until your ship gets blown up and you become a pirate. You can trade, blow up other ships, or seize them. It was quite fun back then, though we have the Корсары series today mostly superseding it. It’s a bit like Sid Meier’s Pirates, except with less focus on the top-down view. It was unique in its day in its use of voxel graphics. Commanche had voxel graphics, but completely static. Software used: DosBOX MEncoder Original file information: AVI, 2,587,116,528 bytes Video: 3840x2880, H264, 70fps Audio: PCM S16 LE, 96000Hz, stereo Technical notes: I can see why no one else made recordings on DosBOX of this game so far. Every time it switches views between the sea and being on foot, it also switches graphic modes between 320x200 and 640x480. This entailed a bit of extra work for encoding in MPlayer. My command line entry looked like: mencoder -o -ovc x264 -x264encopts subq=9:trellis=2:partitions=all:8x8dct:me=esa:frameref=8:bframes=8:b_pyramid=normal:weight_b:threads=8 -oac copy -sws 4 \ -vf scale=3840:2400,expand=3840:2880 \ -vf scale=3840:2880 \ -vf scale=3840:2400,expand=3840:2880 \ With alternating lines with the expand filter. It’s not hard after figuring it out, but the process of actually figuring it out was a little annoying. Using “file *.avi“ makes it easy to figure out when to use which set of filters. Other notes: At first, I was trying to talk and comment in Russian while recording with Audacity. I’m much too slow and stuttery when doing that, so it probably would have been more aggravating than fun or enlightening to listen to.
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