[Hololive] Fubuki : Do you want dinner? A bath? Or perhaps...

I’ll take all 3 options, please! Hitsu’s adorable cute art : TWIN’s epic art : Original Stream (28th Feb 2021) | 本編 (2021年2月28日にライブ配信) 🔽 Fubuki’s Channel | 白上フブキのチャンネル 🔽 Fubuki’s Twitter | 白上フブキのツイッター 🔽 Shirakami Fubuki is from hololive Gen 1 and also GAMERS. She’s an arctic fox (not a cat!) who is legendary for her meme videos (Scatman) and an all around big hearted adorable fox who cares very much for her peers, often times at the expense of herself. When she isn’t busy caring for her peers, doing some meme video, or streaming, you’re likely going to find Fubuki unloading machine-gun fire level tweets on her own Twitter, or going in hard for gacha games for her fave characters. Shirakami Land Discord Server | 海外すこん部のディスコードサーバー 🔽 サーバー招待リンクは現状無効化されています。 Serve
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