Sasaki Takahirō 佐々木孝浩: Introduction to Premodern Japanese Books for Art Historical Research, Day 2

Full Title: Sasaki Takahirō 佐々木孝浩, Keiō Institute of Oriental Classics, Keiō University : Introduction to Premodern Japanese Books for Art Historical Research and Japanese Studies日本研究の為の日本古典籍入門, Day 2 Day 2 of seminar held online in Japanese on 16th March 2021. Topics covered: Old Movable-type Printing 1 (The Relationship with Korean Printing) 古活字版1(朝鮮版 との関係) Old Movable-type Printing 2 (The Relationship with Christian Printing) 古活字版2(キリ シタン版との関係) Old Movable-type Printing 3 (Sagabon and others) 古活字版3(嵯峨本その他) Edo-period Woodblock Printing Basics 1 (Book Types and Genres) 江戸の版本の基礎1 (書型とジャンル) Edo-period Woodblock Printing Basics 2 (Bookstores and Booksellers’ Guilds) 江戸の版本 の基礎2(書肆と仲間) More information at
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