Object Detection and Image Recognition with Kotlin

In this webinar, we will explore a deep learning library written in Kotlin, learn how to detect objects of different types in images, build predictive models on numeric data, and create a Kotlin Web Application using Ktor and KotlinDL, which will recognize animals on the photos. Speaker: Alexey Zinoviev KotlinDL at GitHub: Demo: Timeline: 0:00 Introduction 3:15 Kotlin for Data Science 4:32 Introduction to KotlinDL 10:23 Image Recognition with KotlinDL 10:41 ModelHubs: TensorFlow Model Hub and ONNX Model Hub 14:04 Difference between ResNet50 and ResNet152 22:29 Object Detection with SSD model 26:50 What is the model’s input shape? 29:08 Object Detection with visualization on Swing JPanel 29:48 Image Preprocessing DSL 32:31 Q&A Part 1 37:01 Client-Server Image Recognition service with Ktor 39:28 Client-Server Object Detection POST request with Ktor 43:17 Single-Page Applic
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