Anthony Perkins - Pretty Poison - Funny Story

While Anthony Perkins was known for his talent as an actor, he led a relatively private life, and there are fewer documented funny stories about him compared to some other celebrities. However, here’s another amusing anecdote: During the production of the film “Pretty Poison“ (1968), Perkins worked with actress Tuesday Weld. They had a scene where they were supposed to be passionately kissing, but Weld was known for being a bit of a germaphobe. To lighten the mood and make her more comfortable, Perkins reportedly stuffed his mouth with garlic just before shooting the scene. As they went in for the kiss, Weld’s reaction was one of shock and surprise, leading to genuine laughter and breaking the tension on set. This playful gesture by Perkins showcased his ability to create a relaxed and humorous atmosphere on set, even during more intimate or intense scenes. It demonstrated his willingness to go the extra mile to make his co-stars comfortable and inject humor into the filmmaking
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