Selected Originals - Queen Mother Leaves For U.S. (1954)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes rushes) for story “Queen Mother Leaves for U.S.“ 54/83. GV outside Waterloo Station (dusk), Humber drives up. SCV Humber, Sir Winston Churchill gets out. SCV Sir Winston Churchill greeted, crowd in background. GV exterior, Waterloo Station, Queen’s Daimler drives up. Queen gets out. SCV. Queen, Princess Ann and Princess Margaret by a car. Queen Mother and Princess Margaret getting out of Daimler, & CS. CS Queen Mother and Sir Winston Churchill on platform. SV Royal car arriving at Waterloo. SCV Queen, Duke of Edinburgh Princess Ann, Prince Charles on platform, & SCV with Princess Margaret. CU Queen with Queen Mother, Princesses Ann and Princess Margaret. Churchill on platform, also Prince Charles, & Duke of Edinburgh. More and more people arrive to say goodbye to Queen Mother (several scenes). SV platform. Queen Mother on train, Queen standing with children as train is about to pull away. CU Queen, Duke and children waving as train pulls out. SV train
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