Here’s a Diet That Treats Depression

Did you know that A healthy diet is associated with an approximately 30% reduction in the risk for depression and a 40% improvement in your thinking? There’s been a growing body of research showing an association between diet, inflammation and depression. Recently two Australian studies show that eating a Mediterranean style diet actually improved depression symptoms. That’s only two studies, so we have a ways to go to get to where we can rely on this as an official protocol. But even with what we have, the results are consistent enough to recommend this as an intervention for depression. The diet is a modified Mediterranean diet, called the Medimod diet. You don’t count calories or keep up with points. Instead, you eat brain healthy foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, beans, fish and extra virgin olive oil. You also reduce or eliminate foods that are bad for the brain like refined cereals, fried and sugary foods, processed foods and refined flour like white bread, What are processed foods? Th
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