barefoot playing tennis 🎾 versus with shoes / my first experience in germany / which is better?

In my video today you can see me playing barefoot while playing tennis and playing tennis with shoes. My first experience in germany. Which is better? playing tennis with shoes or with out? I’m not a professional tennis player, in fact I only trained four times for one hour each training with trainers that’s why I’m not that good at it. But i’m very competitive, i’m eager to win and i love this sport. In my experience now playing tennis without shoes, I can’t concentrate very much because my brain is super busy with the senses I feel in my feet and I can’t strike, slide, turn around and other things that can be done with shoes. It’s ok to play tennis barefoot if you like it and if the game isn’t too serious. My opinion is based on my experience today, but maybe if I get more used to playing tennis barefoot, it might be ok, but right now, for me, it’s better to have shoes to play tennis because your feet are protected if, for example, you slide, strike or turn you
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