Денис ВИЕРУ - Победитель турнира Гран При 2022 Португалия
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Моя почта - danielsua23@
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4817 7603 1753 1022 - Сбербанк (РФ)
5168 7573 9835 5489 - ПриватБанк (Украина)
#judo #柔道 #дзюдо #judo2021
Judo more than just a sport. That’s the slogan of my channel and my life! Judo for the world, judo for each person. My mission - to make judo even more popular than it is now, all over the world. Judo is an amazing art, with all the traditions and a warrior’s spirit.
You will find in my channel the highlights from all the judo events and a lot of judoka’s highlights also. The special directions of my channel:
- Judo Highlights about japan judo and Japanese judokas
- Promo video about events
- TOPs with the best montage
Official judo site (IJF) -
Information about judokas -
1 view
7 months ago 00:49:53 1
UNSICHTBARER VOLLSTRECKER: F22 Raptor: Der ultimative Luftüberlegenheitsjäger im Einsatz | HD DOKU
7 months ago 00:00:12 1
Подсечка под две от Дениса Виеру, превосходно! Лучшие моменты ДЗЮДО, из сети.