CS 2 vs CSGO - Details and Physics Comparison

The best comparison between the two games Counter Strike 2 or CS2 (2023) and Counter Strike Global Offensive or CSGO (2020), I will compare the most important similarities, physics, details, textures and special places in the game. The entire video was created by myself (GameLight). Many players have been waiting for a long time for CS GO to switch to the new Source 2 engine, and it finally happened, this summer CS2 will officially be released at the moment in limited testing (Valve) Timestamps: 0:00 Smoke Details 1:58 Weapon and Knife Animation 2:27 Environment 4:10 Sky box and draw distance 5:10 Molotov details 5:39 Flashbang 5:56 3D Sound details 7:16 C4 and Explosion details 7:54 Weapon drop (Sound) 8:44 Wound Details 9:09 Thank you for watching #cs2 #csgo #counterstrike
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