Australia’s First Newsreel Commentator Charles Lawrence (1965)

Australia. Title reads ’Spring Racing Thrills’. GV. Exterior of St. Luke’s Hospital in Sydney. Various shots of Australia’s first newsreel commentator Charles Lawrence in the hospital with a couple of nurses around him. He is also a columnist and an entertainer. Several good close up shots of him. Reporter interviews Charles Lawrence - natural sound. He tells of how it all started in the newsreel commentating back in 1930. Had fun, no money and enjoyed instant success. He continues talking about his work at the races. Various flashback shots to the Australian Derby about 1939 with Charlie Lawrence doing the commentating. Charlie watching the footage, smiling. Voiceover thanks him and Charlie smiles. Follows the footage of several recent races. LS. Showing the end of the Australian Derby this year with Prince Grant being the winner. MS. Jockey Rod Hawkins getting off of Prince Grant in ring. Various shots of the horses starting for the Epsom Mile, the winner is Blue Flame. Various shots of the Metropolit
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