This kind of piece has been a dream of mine for years. Ever since I first heard a Handpan Solo, I immediately also heard lush layered harmonies. Nearly a decade later, I finally designed this ensemble set of 4 Handpans to create note for note, beautifully harmonious and layered chords that were easy for anyone to play. Jacob Lee of Axiom Handpans was kind enough to build them for me and the result is the ability to compose pieces with rich harmonies built into the natural motions of playing. I am so grateful for my students. We were able to record this just before the pandemic hit, and at that
... time they had been playing less than a year. For this piece I was very impressed with their ability to both sight right my notation and improvise. We are very much looking forward to meeting again soon and sharing more with you as soon as we can. I hope you enjoy.
If you have questions about the Handpan 360 Ensemble set, feel free to message me on my FB page:
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