Написал музыку на слова подписчика. EBV “It All Came Out And Went Away“
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Hi! My name is Igor Sakharov. I record covers and original songs and edit videos by myself at home. Leave a comment, share and subscribe!
I wish to remember
And wish to forget
The night you decided
That we should separate.
I couldn’t find any reason
For a final argument.
Perhaps I was just as blind
As you were.
Imposter’s friendship
And fake birthday gifts.
Your “How are you?“ messages,
Didn’t you want to disappear?
I still have your house keys
But to return them means to meet.
Now I’m without you,
Separate yourself from me.
I used to love you,
I expected to feel pain
To spend days without you,
And suffer the changes.
I’ve seen movies and heard songs.
Aren’t I supposed to feel alone?
Shouldn’t I be in a brokenness’s hell?
Am I now just a cold empty shell?
But I don’t feel a sense of loss. Do I care?
It erased all of those years away.
I don’t cry when I look at your face.
Drowning in memories is now a time waste.
I used to love you,
I expected to feel pain
To spend nights without you,
And suffer the changes.
You sometimes come to me
In sweet morning dreams.
As if nothing had happened
We continue on our way.
But dreams lack your temper
I remember so well.
So I wake up to banish
Those lies away.
I used to love you,
I expected to feel pain
To spend life without you,
To suffer the changes.
Feel more insulted than hurt,
It was not my own fault,
It’s your complicated world
That left no place for me to remain.
It’s not like either of us anymore
Do bother about words afterwards
But I have to thank you for the way
It all came out and went away.