Mini Star Dance - Ego. GDK Stockholm Star. Танцы дети 7-10 лет. Choreography by Irina Gulidova

Songs Used: Willy Williams - Ego Choreography by the Head Coach and Artistic Director of GDK Stockholm STAR, Irina Gulidova | Авторская хореография Главного тренера и художественного руководителя GDK Stockholm STAR Ирины Гулидовой. _____________________________ Stockholm STAR Gymnastik och Dans Club - 5 years of activity in Sweden🔥 ⠀ - Member of Svenska Gymnastik Förbundet and Svenska Danssportförbundet. - We are selected to participate in Swedish Dance Championships in Dance 2024! - More than 150 members 💃 - More than 30 medals 🥇🥈🥉 in 2 years Svenska Mästerskapen i Dans 2024 (Västerås), Gym for Life Challenge, Balt Prix, Region Svealand, Stars of Performing arts, Mevalin. Performing Arts Cup, RG - Stjärna, Regiontävling Yngre i Södertälje, KIDS Open Performing Arts ets... | info@ | / stockho
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