Prince William/Kate Middleton- Alive

Prince William/Kate Middleton- Alive Clips: various news sources, mostly ITN and ABC Song: “Alive“ by Adelita’s Way I’ve wanted to make a new Will and Kate vid since their South Seas tour, but the baby news last month seemed like the best occasion to do so! I was stuck dealing with the flu for a couple weeks but I got this one finished. This vid covers all the footage since their engagement announcement, but I kept the events I’ve already vidded for these two to a minimum (and used different shots than before) and let the Diamond Jubilee and the South Seas tour have the most screen time here. This song also seemed like an upbeat, well-lyricized choice for them. PLEASE comment, fave, share, and sub if you like! Enjoy! --DOWNLOAD LINK: --NEXT: still a new Upcoming Films vid
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