How to paint Warhammer Age of Sigmar part 7 - Korghos Khul, Mighty Lord of Khorne.

In this, the final part on how to paint the contents of your Age of Sigmar box set, we will focus on painting the Mighty Lord of Khorne, Korghos Khul and his flesh hound. Paints required: Khorne Red Eshin Grey Nuln Oil Tuskgor Fur Dawnstone Karak Stone Bugman’s Glow Carroburg Crimson Cadian Fleshtone Screamer Pink Evil Sunz Scarlet Flash Gitz ellow Rakarth Flesh Flayed One Flesh Reikland Fleshshade Balthasar Gold Mournfang Brown Abaddon Black Zandri Dust Leadbelcher Agrax Earthshade Ushabti Bone Runefang
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