Limahl Neverending Story Acapella Cover w/Alicia Rene & Jaron Davis

A joint acappella cover of Limahl’s Neverending Story, sung with Alicia Renée! --Support me on Patreon: --Subscribe: --Subscribe to Alicia: --Follow me on Instagram: --Like me on Facebook: --Follow me on Twitter: --Follow on SoundCloud: --Website: --More of my tunes: Alicia and I are at it again! And this time we’re covering the especially catchy song for the 1984 movie, Neverending Story. This was one of my childhood staples, driving so much of my early imagination. And it fits neatly into that “80’s fantasy movie“ category, bringing that nostalgic and unique feeling out to its nth degree. I love it! Be sure to check out Alicia’s other covers and original tunes on her channel: Enjoy!
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