Todd V Programs Пикап тодд mentoring program Weekly Q&A #15 — 10/31/21

Date: 10/31/21 (5:06) What makes having an agenda so bad in game? Is it only because the girl no longer views sleeping with you as a win for her? (6:57) How to game if you want to pull a threesome? (a girl and her friend, or two random girls) without coming off as creepy or predatory of course. (11:10) How to get the girl to invest more into the conversation? On some dates, I feel like I’m doing most of the work. Feels like she’s not into me and wasting my time. (16:02) I heard you say a while back that the main ideas of the inner game are “I am enough“ & “I make no apologies for my desires as a man“. How to internalize those beliefs? (21:20) How to work on your game when being advanced (like field reports and stuff)? What are the ways advanced players work on their game? (25:28) Any strategies to avoid being needy with the girl in set? After talking to her for a while, I become more invested. I play to not lose & avoid doing risky things. (29:37) What are examples of topics to talk about with the girl if you want to avoid the “get to know you“ questions, and facts about each other? (32:13) 50 pulls but most only want 1 night stand with me. I make her cum 2 , tentatively plan another date but flake. NYC. What are common sticking points so they stick around? (35:40) How’d you open: girl sitting between two people, inside a crowded silent subway train (or at a bus stop) you/she could get out next stop. And you stand or crouch down? (38:41) What are most common leveling behaviors while going from closing 7/8 girls to 9/10 girls in a night game and online game. (44:10) You said, indirect in bus stop w/ people for not making it awkward further. How long until the girl’s less aware of PPL to switch direct. Wouldn’t look like hiding intentions? (46:11) When a girl refused to come out for a date, how do you bring it up again later? I can take a step and try again later, but don’t want to get rejected again. (48:27) Can you give me tips on how to write a proper field report? (49:46) How are you trying to present yourself in the club? Especially if you are there alone, and need a table reservation to get in. (51:30) You’d shake hands with girls after letting her know your name. Would you still shake hands now in these times or it’s just a risk of her rejecting the handshake? (54:27) Hey Todd, I’m at university now, have you got any more advice for maximizing my results and growth while I’m here? Feel free to give non-game advice too. (57:25) How do you turn around a “bad“ day where you feel off your game? I.e. Feel stuck, in your head, multiple blow-offs, emotional. (1:00:23) How do you know when you’re ready to begin practicing advanced-level game if you’re currently intermediate? (1:03:14) In 23 numbers in 2h, you managed to open in a massive way the same street. Did you have any strategy for the last girl opened not seeing you, or you open knowing you could be seen? (1:07:00) How can I avoid getting butt hurt after getting rejected? (1:09:27) Advice for Daygame in South Beach, FL? Having a hard time pulling tourists who are only here for a day or two. (1:15:51) I always viewed the agenda thing strange, maybe because I’m a guy, but what’s creepy about a guy being direct about his intentions? (1:18:58) What about girls who are just looking for a “goody“ call aka just looking for a free meal? (1:22:10) How to tease/generate attraction from a girl who is initially unreceptive to your opener? (1:24:57) In dates, how to get out of the frame of approval seeking, trying to impress her, or being reactive when she doesn’t seem interested? (1:26:33) Hey Todd! In night groupsets, I find myself stuck collectively engaging the group indefinitely. What are the tactical steps I should take towards isolation? More specifically, I heard you should reach a point where you talk more one-one with the girl - but still right next to the group before suggesting to just her we grab a drink. But unsure how to get there, if I’m addressing the group collectively. (1:28:15) I had a great interaction and pulled a solid number, got her chasing me... then she never replied to my opening texts I sent, which I would not have expected based on our interaction. I’m planning to call after sending a photo of myself doing something cool. Wondering what you suggest to try before moving on? (1:30:13) Any clues/ideas when enrollment for the online dating Bootcamp will re-open? (1:32:19) Opening 2 sets w/ wingman: generally, should one of us open the two girls and have our buddy walk up once it’s hooked?
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