В.Путин.Пресс-конференция с В.Ющенко. 1

Press Conference Following Talks with President of Ukraine Viktor 1 January 11, 2006 Astana Пресс-конференция по итогам встречи с Президентом Украины Виктором Ющенко 11 января 2006 года Астана PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE VIKTOR YUSHCHENKO: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin], dear journalists, first of all I would like to say that I am firmly convinced that Ukraine and Russia are now in the process of forming a new quality of relations that will give both countries the chance to find acceptable, timely and correct responses to the most complex questions. I am convinced that the relations between our countries are becoming more transparent and mutually beneficial. I would like to comment on the solutions reached regarding the gas issue. I am convinced that following the quite dramatic events that have taken place both sides have been able to reach a mutually acceptable solution that meets with the agreement of both Ukraine and Russia. It was not an easy proce
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