Business based on Human Values. Yukti Kapoor Mehandiratta | Creative Society | Allatraunites

We are happy to welcome our esteemed guest Yukti Kapoor Mehandiratta, Founder and CEO of SBY (Silhouette by Yukti) Academy, Certified Leadership and Etiquette Coach, Mentor, Advisor and Keynote Speaker. How will business be modified in Creative Society, where each person is a fundamental unit of a society, where everyone has the same human rights? How can we build friendly and reliable business relationships based on equality and humanity? The topic of 8 foundations will be discussed in regard to how all these foundations could be implemented in the business sphere. The Creative Society project has been launched on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement. People from all over the world unite to create the format of society which Humanity deserves. International Online Global Conference CREATIVE SOCIETY. UNITED WE CAN. Creative Society Creative Society Unites Everyone
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