Wombbath - Conceal Interior Torments

Swedish death metal. From the album, “Internal Caustic Torments“. Released in 1993 by Thrash Records. Wombbath’s one and only full-length album. This band from Sala, Sweden plays an incredibly dark style of death metal compared to what was going on in the nearby Stockholm scene. It keeps the punky vibe of classic Swedeath, especially in the drumming, which sticks primarily to a d-beat based style rather than a blast beat assault. Originally released as a CD, in the past year or two there has been an unoffiWombbath (Швеция). Классика жанра. Залил в лослесс Wombbath - Internal Caustic Torments ...(1993) Wombbath - Brutal Mights [demo] (1991) Wombbath - Several Shapes [demo] (1992)
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