Ancient Civilizations | Yolngu Labu and The Mimi Spirits - Full Documentary 2023

Written and featuring Paul Wallis. How far back does human memory extend? Watch Now & Ad Free on 5th Kind TV : How far back does the memory of Homo sapiens take us? Do we have a cultural memory of events prior to the most recent planetary cataclysm? Can we remember what life was like before the last Ice Age? And do we have any memory of the Great Leap Forward that took humanity from living in subsistence on the planet’s surface to farming and city building? Does that memory involve contact with an Alien race? Get Paul’s latest Book “The Eden Conspiracy“ More info - Get your copy on Amazon (USA) =tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1682732624&sr=1-9 Get your copy on Amazon (UK) =sr_1_1?crid=2SEC5IL0VTI52&keywords=eden conspiracy&qid=1682732670&s=books&sprefix=eden conspirac,stripbooks,55&sr=1-1 Subscribe to our Mailing list Subscribe to the Paul Wallis Channel Here Ancient Civilizations | Yolngu Labu and The Mimi Spirits - Full Documentary 2023. Paul Wallis
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