Svaneborg Kardyb: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

The Tiny Desk is working from home for the foreseeable future. Introducing NPR Music’s Tiny Desk (home) concerts, bringing you performances from across the country and the world. It’s the same spirit — stripped-down sets, an intimate setting — just a different space. Kara Frame | May 25, 2022 Svaneborg Kardyb’s Tiny Desk (home) concert was recorded in the countryside of Djursland, Denmark. “You have to drive for a while on a gravel road, and then you come to a lovely old house surrounded by hills and a stream on one side and a very flat landscape on the other, where you can see 10 miles away,” the band wrote to us, describing the location of the shoot. It’s this place that inspired Svaneborg Kardyb’s second album, Haven. “‘Haven’” (means garden in Danish). Haven celebrates places we like to be,” the duo writes. The Danish jazz duo is composed of Nikolaj Svaneborg — on the Wurlitzer, synthesizer and piano, and Jonas Kardyb — on drums and percussion. Their instrumentation set-up is untr
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