Russians (Live Cover) - Sting & Sergei Prokofiev - Julia Othmer

UPDATE: In light of the brutal imperialist invasion of Ukraine by Putin - this song is dedicated to the fight for Ukraine’s sovereignty and to the radiant soul of the Ukrainian people. Russians Written by Sting & Sergei Prokofiev Performed by Julia Othmer Filmed, Mixed & Mastered by James T Lundie *** This one-take performance was Day 18 of our Songs of September series - a 30 day voter registration drive concert series. Every day in September 2020, we shared a song of protest/change/hope alongside voter information to help encourage Americans to participate in the US election. In October, we asked listeners to vote on their favorite tracks. The songs with the most votes were compiled on the album SEEDS, Volume 1, released in November 2020 - a democratically elected album! Democracy in action! SEEDS, Volume 2 (which includes this track) was released on the spring equinox - March 20, 2021. To listen/watch all the Songs of September - check out
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