Liquid Text Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial - Easy Method

Envato Elements: Hey everyone, Welcome back again, in the past, we have created the colourful text animation, that was a hit, though there were some flaws. So we fixed it in this tutorial. Now simply change your text, and everything will be done automatically. This tutorial is for all the Text Animation, as well as the Liquid lover, and it is also covering text animation after effects, cartoon effect after effects, after effects text animation, liquid animation after effects, liquid text animation after effects, texture background video, after effects tutorial text animation, after effects tutorial text animation beginner, after effects free templates and more. So sit back, and add some liquid to your texts. As always, this tutorial is Free, and we are not using any Third Party Plugin for creating this. Every single Tutorial on my channel is made with Love and Hard work, So don’t forget to leave a Like.. :) Support My YouTube Channel: -----------------
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