10 Creatures You Won’t Believe Are Toxic!

From the only toxic bird in the world to a dangerous caterpillar on the loose with enough toxins to kill! Here are ten creatures you won’t believe are toxic. Subscribe to Epic Wildlife 10: The Hooded Pitohui Let’s start off the list with one of the only toxic birds in the entire world. I am talking about the hooded pitohui, and its feathers contain one of the most dangerous toxins known to science. According to Australian Geographic, this bird lives in Papua New Guinea, one of the last truly wild places on Earth. 9: Hawksbill Sea Turtles You probably wouldn’t have guessed, but one of the most toxic animals in the ocean is actually the hawksbill sea turtle. Hawksbill sea turtles are omnivores, they pretty much eat nothing except seagrass, some barnacles, and a few small animals. 8: The Cane Toad This one might not actually be a big surprise for anyone. Some toads are known to be toxic. But in Florida, there is a particularly toxic toad that is becoming quite a nuisance to people who l
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