NEW BEGINNING / Kep1er X DAZED 티징필름. 그 시작은 샤오팅.

NEW BEGINNING 샤오팅 XIAOTING Kep1er X DAZED 티징필름. 그 시작은 샤오팅. 걸스플래닛 999가 탄생시킨, 아홉 명으로 이뤄진 케플러Kep1er. 우리 모두 반짝 반짝 빛나는 너희 존재를 축복해. Kep1er X DAZED Teaser film. First, XIAOTING. Kep1er made up of nine girls from ’Girls Planet 999’. We all bless your sparkling existence. Director Guiom Lee Editor Lee Seoungyeon, Min Jimin Film Studio L’extreme (Director Jang Yoonwoo , DOP Kim Sungjae, 1ST Jun Giseong, 2ND Han Daehee) Hair Lee Hyejin, Lee Dameun Makeup Stella Shim, Seo Ahreum Nail Lim Misung Set Choi Yerin #케플러 #Kep1er #샤오팅 #Xiaoting #&#
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