The Awakening: The Dark Romantics

The Dark Romantics von The Awakening aus Südafrika. Bilder sind von der alten Homepage: Aktuelle Homepage: Ich hab keinerlei Rechte an irgendwas... We are the Dark Romantics The Dark Romantics in our candle’s glow We are the Dark Romantics and our dreams are where the poets go. Oh! Go! The photograph child holds her head in shame While the Crystal Wilde fears a statue with no name The velvet touch of the warmest mystery Is where our kind welcomes serenity We are the Dark Romantics The Dark Romantics in our candle’s glow We are the Dark Romantics and our dreams are where the poets go. Oh oh Your eyes are shut to the world that we hold dear You mock the way we paint ourselves You mock our Theatre tears We bow in love I know the Angels smile Drinking on emotion Lighting altar fires We are the Dark Romantics The Dark Romantics in our candle’s glow We are the Dark Romantics and our dreams are where the poets go. Oh, we will be Passionate, delicate Oh we c
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