5 Guaranteed Exercises for Increasing Your Speed as an Athlete #speedbuild #speedworkout #running

5 Guaranteed Exercises for Increasing Your Speed as an Athlete #speedbuild #speedworkout #running To improve your speed as an athlete, there are various exercises that you can do. Here are five guaranteed exercises that can help increase your speed: Sprinting: This is one of the best ways to increase your speed. It’s a high-intensity exercise that can improve your power and explosiveness. Box jumps: This plyometric exercise can increase your lower body strength and power, as well as your ability to accelerate and decelerate quickly. Start with a lower box height and gradually increase the height as you become more advanced. Squats: Squats are a compound exercise that can target your lower body, including your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. By increasing your lower body strength, you can improve your acceleration and speed. Lunges: This exercise can help you develop strength in your lower body and improve your balance and stability. Lunges can also help you improve your stride length, which can lead to faster sprints. Burpees: This is a full-body exercise that can help you improve your muscular endurance and explosiveness. Burpees can also improve your cardiovascular fitness, which is important for endurance sports like running. Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine can help you increase your speed as an athlete. Remember to start with lower intensity and gradually increase the intensity and volume of your workouts over time to avoid injury and ensure continued progress.
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