DIAWINGS - ’We are’
초라한, 혹은 너무 평범한 자신의 모습에 일어설 힘을 잃어버린 우리 모두에게.
To all of us who lost strength to stand up in myself that is shabby, or too ordinary.
🎼 @cdhae81100
@jaybe_music @nature_dw_
🎹 @jaybe_music
🎥 @youtudio_official @_han_phyllis
🎬 @cdhae81100 @nature_dw_
🧱 @yangjae_changgo
Thank you so much for those who support us on Patreon -
AvaPlaya, seekified, JustADaileeeThing, Lucas Nordbo, T. B. ,Jasimine L Cords
It’s flowing day by day
like a tunnel I passed
It was a big deal. I swear yeah
I felt afraid and scared
That’s all water under the bridge now
I can’t remember now exactly what it was like
Even though I got scars it doesn’t hurt anymore
Hardships are always like a huge mountain before I go through it
We don’t know what may happen, we just like small dust
But we are we are we are
Yes we are we are we are
I embrace the biggest sky in my small body
I’m too precious to stop dreaming
yes we are
It really looks normal
oh I think so, too
Nothing special honestly yeah
That’s how everyone lives
It’s fun when the extraordinary is hidden in the ordinary
Though my body is not special, my thoughts are extraordinary
Yes we are we are we are
Yes we are we are we are
I embrace a vast ocean in my small body
I’m too precious to stop dreaming
yes we are
yes you and I
guess who we are
We’ve done a great job so far
Though there was no signpost while we were going
I empty my mind and fill it with valuable things
Let the sky that is full of me shine out
The reason we’re different
There is a diamond in us
We’re all the same but you can find the essence inside
It’s not found in a slick exterior
Yes we are we are we are
Yes we are we are we are
I embrace the shining space in my small body
I’m too precious to stop dreaming
yes we are
#다이아윙스 #diawings #kpop #We_are #MV