International Legion Fighters Caught In Heavy Russian Crossfire Backed By Artillery In Bakhmut

An intense helmet cam video shows a unit of foreign fighters from the Ukrainian International Legion being caugh in Russian crossfire backed artillery west of Bakhmut. From the operator who sent this video to me: “The day prior to the team being inserted, the building next to it (west of the building) was blown up by UA forces. There was another legion team and a platoon of Ukrainians in the building adjacent to it, which resulted in a few wounded and concussions for that entire team. Rogue team was called in to rotate out the previous legion team and reinforce the remaining Ukrainians. At this point it was clear that it was a disadvantageous position since the building was in an L shape from the Russians. Guys couldn’t gain superior fields of fire due to the circumstance of being outflanked and overexposing. The enemy did not assault with infantry right away. They saturated the building with heavy weapons (mortars, RPGs, tanks, etc.) The enemy was definitely highly trained as it fired at pre dete
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