Academic Task 1 Analysis | Global land degradation | Band 5

Hello, beautiful people! Today’s tutorial deals with multiple charts and this one contains a table and a pie chart. IELTS multiple graph questions are quite common in the Academic Task 1 Writing test but don’t need to worry! I’m going to take you through the whole process step-by-step as we work on a practice question that comes from Cambridge IELTS book 8 and analyse a Band 5 sample answer. #ieltspiechart #ieltstable #ieltsmultiplecharts #ieltsacademicwritingtask1 ______________________________ L I N K S Website: Instagram: Facebook: ______________________________ D I S C L A I M E R The lessons contain a selection of activities that I have used with my former IELTS students as well as my own tips and knowledge gained while teaching IELTS strategy courses over the past 8 years. ______________________________ Thanks for watching! ❤ Florina
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