Two Hours of Premier Zhou Memorial Songs

在周总理身边 0:00 - 献给敬爱的周总理 (To Our Beloved Premier Zhou) 5:22 - 深切怀念周总理 (In Deep Memory Of Premier Zhou) 9:47 - 歌唱敬爱的周总理 (Sing Of Our Beloved Premier Zhou) 13:19 - 深切怀念敬爱的周总理 (In Deep Memory Of Our Beloved Premier Zhou) 17:53 - 敬爱的周总理,您永远活在我们心中 (Beloved Premier Zhou, You Will Forever Live In Our Hearts) 22:57 - 敬爱的周总理,人民的好总理 (Beloved Premier Zhou, The People’s Fine Premier) 26:58 - 怀念敬爱的周总理 (In Memory of Our Beloved Premier Zhou) 31:05 - 周总理窗前的灯光 (The Light In Premier Zhou’s Window) 35:13 - 周总理到大寨 (Premier Zhou Came To Dazhai) 39:33 - 敬爱的周总理,我们怀念您 (Beloved Premier Zhou, We Miss You) 43:13 - 敬爱的周总理,我们永远怀念您 (Beloved Premier Zhou, We’ll Forever Cherish Your Memory) 47:25 - 十里长街送总理 (The 10-Mile Long Road Says Farewell to the Premier) 52:33 - 敬爱的周总理,我们从心底里把您怀念 (Beloved Premier Zhou, I Cherish Your Memory Deep In My Heart) 56:47 - 壮族人民热爱周总理 (Zhuang People Love Premier Zhou) 1:00:51 - 壮族人民怀念周总理 (Zhuang People Remember Premier Zhou) 1:05:00 - 周总理和咱们欢度泼水节 (Premier Zhou Celebrates the Water-Sprinkling Festival With Us) 1:09:02 - 洪湖的歌儿献给敬爱的周总理 (Song from Honghu Dedicated to the Beloved Premier Zhou) 1:11:23 - 敬爱的周总理回延安 (Beloved Premier Zhou Returned to Yan’an) 1:15:42 - 鲜花献给敬爱的周总理 (Fresh Flowers for Our Beloved Premier Zhou) 1:21:05 - 周总理啊,我们想念你 (Premier Zhou, We Miss You) 1:25:08 - 想念您啊,敬爱的周总理 (Missing You, Beloved Premier Zhou) 1:29:55 - 周总理,您在哪里 (Premier Zhou, Where Are You) 1:37:03 - 周总理永远和我们在一起 (Premier Zhou Will Always Be With Us) 1:41:42 - 敬爱的周总理,您永远活在我们心间 (Dear Premier Zhou, You Will Always Live Within Our Hearts) 1:45:33 - 送上我心头的思念 (Sending My Thoughts to You) 1:50:36 - 歌颂敬爱的周总理 (Praising the Beloved Premier Zhou) 1:53:58 - 手捧请柬想总理 (Holding an Invitation in Hand, Thinking of the Premier) 1:57:55 - 周总理和俺心连心 (Premier Zhou and I are Heart to Heart)
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