CS:S | Stay the night

Hi guys, I KNOW HE GOT MUCHS SUB AND I KNOW HE DOESN’T NEED ANY SUPPORT but even if he got 4k subs I still loves this editing so much ! I just want you to watch that amazing clip, some of you allready seen it but some if you DOESN’T so if you are one of those guys who allready watched it PLEASE do not comment “support guys with 500 subs and not with 4k subs“ I about subs okey :DDD ? Now it’s okey, sorry but I saw too many comment on the last vids uploaded who are saying “support 500 subs and stuff“. now just enjoy that sweet clip, oh and imo this is one of the best clip ever, with one of the best flow ever ! Probably my second favorite clip ever ? :D editor :
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