Atari 2600 Longplay [017] Yar’s Revenge

Played by: Mad-Matt Yars revenge, another one of the Atari 2600 well remembered games. Although I got my Atari 2600 somewhere around Christmas 1986, This is one of the first games I bought and I still have it with its original box. I seem to recall getting it from one of those high street shops which stocked ex catalogue stock and they had a whole load of just this one Atari game. I Playthrough the game on mode 6 - Ultimate yars mode Hard Difficulty (A). I try to save the cannon for spiral shot kills, but the defence missile can soon get annoying. At some point I have to charge my cannon... and face death eating away at the enemy shield. The spiral gets crazy on later levels going in 3 directions and towards the end of the game the spiral can shoot instantly giving no time to manoeuvre. Interestingly the game just seems to end without showing you your highscore :S - Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!
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