S3E28 | “Mike Volpe - Family Court is Using the Transgender Agenda to Traffick Children to Abusers”

**I apologize in advance for the sound around the 39 min mark! Working on fixing that Joining us this week is podcast regular, Family Court whistleblower, writer, podcast host, and investigative journalist extraordinaire, Mike Volpe! If you’re new here, Mike’s work on exposing the corrupt Family Court system has been recognized and esteemed internationally for over a decade. I’d argue to say that there’s very few people in the entire world who truly understand the court system like he does and the number of children and parents he’s given a voice to is astounding. Mike’s been on the show numerous times and has covered everything from Parental Alienation to the ‘wrongfully accused’ to how Silicon Valley executives get preferential treatment in court. If you’ve missed any of his episodes, I’ll link his playlist below in the show notes for you! In addition to being a guest on tons of amazing podcasts, he also hosts his own podcast on YouTube under his channel, ‘Michael Volpe’ as well as on his subscription based Substack platform at . Mike’s Substack is a wealth of information on topics relating to Family Court where you’ll find exclusive articles and interviews that you can’t get anywhere else. Mike also shares what podcasts he’s being featured on every week through that platform, so make sure you go subscribe to his Substack so you can stay up to date on all Mike’s work and podcast appearances! This week, Mike is going to talk about a subject matter that is becoming increasingly more prevalent and concerning in the family court systems: The Transgender Agenda and how it’s being monetized and manipulated in court at the expense of our children. This is a hot-button topic and it’s more important than ever to make ourselves aware of the dangers facing our children and the biases happening in favor of the abusive parents. If you are listening on Spotify or iTunes, you can check out either my YouTube or Bitchute channels to check out the visuals Mike prepared for us to see today during his is not an episode debating transgenderism in fully developed adults who can make their own decisions - it’s about the dangers this movement places on our most vulnerable population: our children. In true Mike Volpe fashion, you will be learning a lot in a short amount of time, so grab a pen and paper and give Mike your full attention! DONATE TO MIKE’S CAMPAIGN: SUBSCRIBE TO MIKE’S SUBSTACK: CONNECT WITH MIKE: YouTube: @mvolpe998 Twitter: @mikevolpe - Email: mvolpe998@ Facebook: MIKE’S PLAYLIST ON THE IMAGINATION: MIKE’S ARTICLES / VIDEOS FEATURED IN THIS EPISODE: Articles/videos from this show: 1. 2. 3. #details 4. #details 5. 6. CONNECT WITH THE IMAGINATION: All links: Website: SXS Merch: Survivor Store:
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