Life Is Short & Heaven Is Eternal | WMSCOG, Church of God

The Direction of Your Life Is Important If You Want to Live a Meaningful and Valuable Life The kingdom of heaven is a place of eternal happiness and joy, with no death, pain, or suffering. That is why God told us not to live an aimless life as if we were to live a thousand years when we cannot even live a hundred, but to live for the kingdom of heaven. How Can We Receive Eternal Life, Which God Has Granted out of Pity for Mankind? Just as Jesus granted life to mankind through the new covenant Passover 2,000 years ago, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother have taught us that we must keep the Passover to live eternal life, not a life that withers like the flowers of the field. Psalm 90:9–10 All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan. Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. 1 Peter 1:24–25 For, “All people are l
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