Постоянный ток в голову 3-5 mlvl

Dr. James Giordano put on a now hidden presentation saying that dew is DC current shot invisibly at a target Dr allan H Frey showed humans can feel RF and even die from RF in narrow band RF pulses pain will be felt as shocks in NS response range khz-mhz most commonly recorded burns in Ghz subliminal messaging and v2k will seem quite similar to one another they use -25khz to 25khz (infrasound -hz and hz included) as well as other khz range 50khz -100khz to subliminal message, poison me with rf and cause diarrhea, vision blurring and shocking pain in addition to pulse V2k in higher frequencies showing in 500 khz and commonly spiking at 1-20 mhz & 90-120 mhz our homes power is also used as a weapon against , us when our homes are pulsed with RF in certain ways it can create harmful fields as well as the danger of the pulses I am a targeted independent researcher doing the best research and science I am able to , working to get compensation & freedom for myself and everyone else being tortured with this misuse of advancements in US technologies. To be direct I refer to the weaponization of our government, our communications infrastructure from ground (corrupt cell tower companies allowing subliminal messaging, v2k and dew attacks 24-7 on Unaware Innocent US citizens) To Space (military and private companies doing the same thing but further away with a more global effect ) Any Questions Please Ask Because Unfortunately This Is a Reality If you Like it Or Not, It Should Be Fought Against Like The American Revolution IMO
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