Discord - Come Little Children

(NO GOOD THUMBNAILS! WHY????) THIS. IS. FINALLY. DONE!!!! After 2 months of work, it’s finally done!!! *Collapses* I thought this song would make a really good (And hopefully creepy) Discord PMV, so I decided to challenge myself with it. This video gave me a lot of problems and I got stuck numerous times, but I finally pulled though and finished it. It’s also my first full video in a while, so I’m pleased with that. XD I also wanted to make this in celebration of Discord coming back to the show next season! I’m SO excited!!! I’ll finally see him again and I’ll have more footage to edit with. 8D Hope you enjoy this, guys!!! A LOT of work went into it! I start college tomorrow so this also might be my last full video in quite some time, but who knows? I might surprise everyone. Especially since I plan on starting an even long video some time very soon with a new show. ;3 Show:
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