UFO over San Jose, California.

Witness description: “I was playing Disc Golf with my friends we noticed a police helicopter just flying over our area which caused us to look up. We noticed a black object square shaped with what looked like a single wing or propeller of some sort on the left side. As soon as I have seen the object I immediately removed my cell phone and was fortunate to capture the event. The object came from the North and flew directly over our heads less than a thousand feet from the ground. It was intense. As soon as I noticed the awkwardness in shape and color and size I knew it was out of the ordinary. I was excited because I am intrigued by this sort of thing. I feel lucky to have the moment on camera and would love for this experience to be confirmed.“ Source: mufon Filmed in San Jose, California. 12/29/2014, 4:19 pm. Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: More UFO videos: Recommended video: Incredible UFO over Cuba. Other playlists: UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2024, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, Flying saucer, OVNI 2024
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