Organist Jonathan Scott performs his solo organ arrangement of Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) Passacaille (Passacaglia) from the opera Armide (LWV 71) on the pipe organ of Ripon Cathedral.
As the Royal Composer for instrumental music for the court of Louis XIV (the Sun King), many of his works were performed at the Palace of Versailles, France.
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Tom Scott
The Pipe Organ of Ripon Cathedral (Ripon, North Yorkshire, UK)
T.C. LEWIS 1878
Harrison & Harrison 1926 - 1963 - 2013
Double Open Wood 32
Open Wood 16
Violone 16
Sub Bass 16
Lieblich Bourdon 16
Violoncello 8
Flute 8
Viole 4
Mixture III
Bombardon 32
Ophicleide 16
Tuba 16
Octave Tuba 8
Tuba Clarion 4
Lieblich Bourdon 16
Salicional 8
Lieblich Gedeckt 8
Flauto Traverso 8
Salicet 4
Lieblich Flute 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Lieblich Piccolo 2
Tierce 1 3/5
Mixture III
Clarinet 8
Double Stopped Diapason 16
Large Open Diapason 8
Small Open Diapason 8
Flute Harmonique
Stopped Diapason 8
Octave 4
Coppel Flute 4
Octave Quint 2 2/3
Super Octave 2
Mixture IV
Contra Tromba 16
Tromba 8
Octave Tromba 4
Swell (enclosed)
Bourdon 16
Geigen 8
Rohr Gedeckt 8
Echo Gamba 8
Voix Celestes 8 TC
Geigen Principal 4
Rohr Flute 4
Flautina 2
Mixture II
Sesquialtera III
Oboe 8
Contra Fagotto 16
Trumpet 8
Clarion 4
Solo (enclosed)
Viol d’Orchestre 8
Concert Flute 4
Corno di Bassetto 16 ( extra octave of pipes)
Orchestral Hautboy 8
Contra Tuba 16 ( extra octave of pipes)
Tuba 8 (unenclosed)
Orchestral Trumpet (unenclosed - horizontal)
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell to Choir
Swell octave
Swell suboctave
Swell unison off
Choir to Great
Choir to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Solo to Pedal
Solo to Great
Great Reeds to Choir
Solo to Choir
Solo Octave
Solo Sub Octave
Solo Unison Off
Screen Console and Nave Mobile Consoles
Both consoles can be played simultaneously.
Swell pedals to Solo and Swell mechanical.
6 thumb pistons each to Gt and Sw. 4 thumb pistons each to Ch and Solo.
Reversible thumb pistons in Sw keyslip: Sw-Pd, Ophicleide.
Reversible thumb pistons in Gt keyslip: Gt-Pd, Sw-Gt, Ch-Gt, Solo-Gt;
thumb pistons in Choir keyslip: setter, cancel.
6 combination pedals to Pedal,
reversible toe pedals: Gt-Pd, Ch-Pd, Solo-Pd, Sw-Pd, Bombardon.
8 general pistons above Solo keyboard.
8 channels each of generals and divisionals.
Drawstops: Gt reeds on Ch, Ped on Sw pistons, Gt & Pd combs cpld.,
Sw toe pistons.
Swell pedals to Swell and Solo operating wiffle tree EP motors.
In Choir keyslip: thumb pistons for Cancel, 6 divisional, Ch-Ped (rev.).
In Great keyslip: thumb pistons for Sequencer , 6 divisional, reversible thumb pistons: Gt-Pd, Sw-Gt, Ch-Gt, Solo-Gt.
In Swell keyslip: thumb pistons for Sequencer (2), Sequencer -, Sequencer restore, 6 divisional, reversible piston to Sw-Pd.
In Solo keyslip: thumb pistons for Solo-Pd, 6 divisional, screen cancel.
8 general pistons above Solo keyboard.
6 toe pistons each to Pedal and to Swell, Sequencer , Sequencer r,
reversible toe pistons: Sw-Gt, Sw-Pd, Gt-Pd, Bombardon.
Drawstops to: Gt Reeds on Ch, Gt & Ped combs coupled, Pedal divide,
Mans I/II exch.
1 view
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