Jimmy Buck - Till death fall us apart

FROM THE DOG TO . . _ ’ _ . . Lyricks translate (English ) It happens in the best houses even when you smell the was talking here, girls with jokes, guilty secrets, whims for visas, that can get you high, really, the truth stinks, like dirty money, if you do not understand yet listen carefully mud in my name, if you throw it, fate will find you, when a gypsy cries it means flood, when you have nowhere to find salvation, he invoked the Goddesses. But God is not your friend, like the judge, while you fall asleep all the time you are late, you do not wake up it is time for the alarm clock to ring, now you do not speak because you did not take responsibility, if you read a fairy tale, if not again then good trip, Police do not save you from the spiral, it is Mafia, Tifozi Corleone code , Carlitos way , bandidos day , amigos yay, capish Okay? bless the soil that will bury me, mourn the words they will write, enjoy the years because they will pass, hide words in the middle sanctify th
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