[PoE ] The STRONGEST build I have ever played | Armourstacker MS full showcase

Wanted to make a showcase video as tribute for the character. Credit goes to Paul for being the mastermind behind the build, I just adapted it as best I could for the changes that came this league. If you want to see some raw uncut footage of me hitting 6k in delve, you can find that here: POB: Ninja: Showcases: Uber Maven: 00:00 Uber Cortext: 02:49 Uber Shaper: 04:41 Uber Uber Elder: 07:01 113% Feared: 09:34 104% Uber Eater: 10:15 104% Uber Exarch: 11:00 (turns out I am an idiot and didn’t notice Grace was off for the first phase facepalm) Uber Sirus: 11:58 Simu waves 29 & 30: 13:47 6k scary Aul: 15:54 Bonus Tonking Clips: Uber Sirus’ Meteor: 17:40 Exarch’s Incinerate: 17:56 Eater’s Devour: 18:12
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