The DC Chronicles Season 2 Episode 1 - The Return

Visit our new website: The DC Chronicles has returned with a new episode which will correctly conclude the story of the first season and propose a season 2 story. If you enjoy DC Chronicles please like, subscribe, and share the video, and visit our blog at . Thank you everyone who is involved in this ongoing project! Credits for this episode: Directed & Written by Aaron Canini Design & Animation by Lynnette Kolbik Andrew Grafton Voiced by Alex Stein (Silbern Strangelove) Vault Overseer by Guy Incognito Dr Boyle by Chris Whitman A special thank you to James Worden and Kasanagi for their supportive voice & audio work. The Official DC Chronicles soundtrack was composed by Sinky James. You can hear more of his work on his bandcamp page: Other tracks are sourced from the official Fallout soundtracks.
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