Attack on Titan Project Ouroboros - Chapter 138: Requiem
This is the music edit for Chapter 138 of Project Ouroboros! I hope you enjoy!
Music used:
00:11 - 02:38 = Attack音D
02:40 - 05:05 = Zeek’s Plan
05:06 - 08:23 = Omake-pfadlib
08:24 - 11:16 = The Other Side of the Sea
11:17 - 12:43 = AOTs2M他1
12:47 - 17:03 = Guilty Hero
17:04 - 20:18 = 進撃vn-pf20130524巨人
20:19 - 22:46 = 進撃gt20130218巨人
22:48 - 24:05 = Far Away (Instrumental)
24:07 - 27:33 = 進撃pf-medley20130629巨人
27:40 - 28:23 = SymphonicSuite[AoT]Part1-1st:0Sk
28:25 - 31:38 = Atonement
31:40 - 33:53 = T-KT