Apply Thin Coats & Improve your miniature painting | Warhammer | Duncan Rhodes

Two Thin Coats! Apply Multiple Thin Coats! Thin Your Paints! This is one of the key fundamentals in miniature painting and one of the areas I see new hobbyists struggle with. So in this video, I’m going to show you how to thin your paints, apply two (or three) thin coats and get smooth and great results that will unlock your painting ability and get your Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar, Star Wars, Fallout, Conquest, Cthulu, Elder Scrolls, Battletech, Warmachine, Moonstone, Warlord and every other miniatures looking fantastic (with a little practice too)! We hope you guys enjoy this one and remember, if you haven’t already, check out our Academy over at where we have almost 350, yes 350, full, indepth tutorials on there including a huge 15 part Fundamentals of Miniature Painting course included in the membership. Cheers Dunc & Rog Join our Social Media channels for updates and some fun stuff: Facebook:
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