How artificial flowers are made: Artificial flower factory in China. Real Touch orchid manufacturing

What’s in the video? Raw materials - what artificial flowers are made of. Manufacturing machines - how artificial flowers are made. The stages of the production process - a step-by-step story about how Real Touch orchids and tiger lilies are manufactured. Working directly with the manufacturer, and not with intermediaries, allows our company to create the best cost-effective conditions for our clients. This unique video is the result of a long-term and close partnership between Real Touch company and artificial flower factories in China. As a rule, the owners of Chinese factories do not allow filming the production process but thanks to the trusted relationships established between the factories and our company, we got the chance to show you all the details of the process of making artificial flowers. We are happy to present a cycle of videos from the artificial flower factories in China and interviews with their owners. In the next videos, we will visit other Chinese factories, as
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