One thing that EVERY Great Legato Player Has in Common [and a thing you NEED to practice]
For my Presets visit: If there was one thing that pretty much EVERY great legato player that I can think of has in common, it’d be this. Strong 3 note per string scale knowledge. Everyone from Tom Quayle, Brett Garsed, Allen Hinds, Allan Holdsworth - just all of them, have a fundamental solid 3 note per string framework that is the basis in my mind for almost all Legato. Am I wrong? I might be - if you can thing of some exceptions, let me know!
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Get my PADs bundle here: (this folder will grow, and I’d encourage you to ask for different keys/songs and stuff that might suit this type of preset?)
I’ve decided to make it possible to grab both my Helix/HX Stomp bundles (