► Elena + Damon + Stefan || Time to say goodbye (TVD Season 4)

[ WATCH IN HD-1080p, PLEASE! || READ THE DESCRIPTION BOX FOR MORE INFO! ;) ] Hey guys! I’m back with my favorite TV show! =) It has been a while since my last non-Klaus TVD vid, so I kinda missed it... Plus, the season finale was freakin’ awesome and I just couldn’t get it out of my mind; I feel the unbearable need of doing something on my own... and here it is. A special “THANK YOU“ goes to all my suscribers and those people who support me no metter what... you’re awesome and I love every single one of you! ♥ I’m really hope you’ll enioy watching this, cause it took me like a million hours to edit! ^_^ P.s.: as you see, I can’t hide my DE obsession, although this time Stefan is a big part of the story! Infos: - Song: pm me, I’ll answer you asap! (anyway the title says pretty well... =P) - Program: Sony Vegas Pro 9 - Coloring: mine - Social networks: Many of you asked for my per
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