Мужик и ракета
a song by: Massimo Giangrande
directed and animated by: Gianluca Maruotti
illustrations: Felicita Sala -
post production: Juan Pablo Etcheverry
produced by: Ermanno Foti - ESN Publishing
© 2013
Es: Mi intención es solo compartir, por favor si te gusto el vídeo dirígete a este Link y apoya a sus creadores:
En: My intention is just to share, please if you liked the video go to this link and supports its creators:
* Aviso Legal: Ni las imagenes ni la musica son de mi propiedad. Si hay algún problema con los derechos avísenme antes para borrar el vídeo.
* I do NOT claim to own ANY rights to this music or the image used for the video. If the copyright owners have a problem with this video in any way, please contact me and I’ll remove it immediately.